Pictures taken from my new phone

Hello. I finally got my hands on my new, pretty useless (pretty but useless.LOL) phone from Japan. Well I expect in Japan it would be of good use but here functions are limited and I can’t even set songs as my ringtone yet. Anyone who stumbles upon this entry, can you advise me how to go about doing it for a NTT DOCOMO N906iu phone?

One thing I have succeeded however, is to transfer the pictures I took with the phone to my computer. (Jap phones sure are complicated.) Some self-shots and the Xmas decorations in Thos SB.


Vanilla Pods in Glass tubes. Pretty ingenious idea if you ask me. But I can do it myself at a cheaper price. Haha..



Glistening lights, arrays of yummy biscuits and mouth-watering chocolates. Chests harbouring fatastic selections of brands of goodies in small bottles and curiously shaped boxes. Treasure Chests ..The mysterious aura reflected to someone, epitomizing the surprise one can get when they open to be revealed its contents. How pretty the Chest hampers are dressed up – all to impress the receiver. I would if I would received it. Anyone interested? =p

Me & Myself, The Me & I

My wool beanie bought at a sale price of $12 since the lady was closing down her cart-shop. I could tell it must have not been new since it had ‘loose wool’ on it. You know, wool hanging/standing from the material..? Oh nevermind, it isn’t too obvious unless you examine it or standing a footstep away from me. I like it anyway and wore it last Sunday to Orchard despite Singapore’s heat.

+~~**What are your plans for Christmas? **~~+

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6 Responses to Pictures taken from my new phone

  1. neil says:

    You\’ll figure it out,takes nice pictures & looks nice and thin. got to shop for Christmas.bye bye neil

  2. tae says:

    wow lucky! i want 906 too……isnt the camera like 43758723548734megapixels or something lol

  3. Eliza says:

    hi tae chan! its 3.6megapixel. not fantastic cause the other 906 are like..5 megapixels? Neil, let me know what you got for xmas! =))

  4. nah says:

    omg how much u get that phone? I\’m trying to ask my friend to help me get.. XD

  5. Eliza says:

    around 760 sgd with original charger and cable? not too sure how much it is actually in japan..whr are u from ?

  6. nah says:


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